Today’s Most Overused Word……LOVE

Love overused


Love in its purest form is UNCONDITIONAL. Think about examples of the purest forms of love:


1.  Between a parent of child, to the point that it can be sacrificial.

2. Between a pet and their master.

3. Between siblings.

4. Even between lifelong friends.

5. Animals within clans protect each other to the point of death.

Today, we here the words of “I love you”….being thrown around to even acquaintances. It is beginning to lose its meaning. Instead of being powerful words expressing the most powerful emotion…that even Jesus Christ demonstrated to the point of dying on the Cross at Calvary, to save Mankind from being lost to darkness, forever. We see people loving based on a condition….based on terms that someone within a relationship dictates…one sided. Many explain it away as “loving differently”.  Love is a universal language…a universal feeling. It is almost saying that you should “love in your own way”. Not true….everyone understands unconditional love, especially in the sacrificial sense. Such an emotion shows nothing of the self, because of the Source that it comes from, in its purest form….God, the Father of Creation. Jesus Christ, His Son, was the Ultimate Symbol of Love, when He died on the Cross…the way He led His Life, serving Mankind.

We must be mindful when we use the words of “I love you”. Because we only soil the name of the Almighty God, the source of all of it. And He does not take that too lightly. God, the Father of Creation, sees the heart inside…the soul inside. He keeps one’s actions in line to represent His Unconditional Love….there is nothing of the human self…which is soiled and sin stained. This is how evil tried to soil Mankind. Evil wants to diminish the meaning of love. So that no one will ever remember what it means to experience…to know of the Unconditional Love that come from the purest source…God, the Father of Creation. If we call ourselves, God’s Children, we must keep our hearts, minds, thoughts, actions, and souls in check…to be in line to which God, the Father of Creation shows us everyday in His Unconditional Love…through which He demonstrated through the Death of Jesus Christ, His Son, on the Cross at Calvary. As human beings we are flawed…that is why love in its purest form, can only come from strength that is supplied by the purest source…God, the Father of Creation. We can not do it by our own strength. But by the strength and guidance of the Holy Spirit. Because such love is guided by a pure source…it will be consistent from the what a soul emanates…from a person’s actions…to the love they express in words. Such a pure love is undeniable, even to the most lost souls in darkness. This is how God beams His Light into the World….and shows that He is God, through such souls that allow for His Unconditional Love to shine through them…as that which was seen in Jesus Christ, His Son.


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