For the tired, weary, downtroddened and discouraged following Jesus Christ….

ENDURE….for the reward is far greater than anything we could ever imagine with the Human Mind.

Jesus has promised the following if we endure:

2 thoughts on “For the tired, weary, downtroddened and discouraged following Jesus Christ….

  1. Brad Stanton

    I found your blog from your tweets, and I love them both. How long have you had this blog? How did you get so many followers? Do you do full time Christian ministry? You are doing a great job, really fantastic .

    1. foodforthespiritualsoul Post author

      I feel truly humbled by your words. I have had this blog now, for about, I would say to this month, 2 years. I have had other blogs in the past as well. I say Christian Ministry is everyone’s calling, if you call yourself a Christian. 🙂 As to how I have this many followers, I honestly do not know. I just feel very gracious to everyone of them. IF I can touch one heart with my words, I feel that I have done my job as a Christian…in letting them know how much God loves us all. Please continue visiting…and may we find the true meaning of God’s Love together.


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